Hedging can benefit anyone including grain elevator operators, merchandisers, producers, exporters, or process any of the agricultural commodities traded on futures exchanges. 无论任何人,如那些生产、储蓄或加工在交易所上市支农产品的粮食仓储商、商人、生产商、出口商或加工商等均可获利于套期保值。
What is handling capacity of grain elevator? 谷物升降机装卸能力如何?
The grain elevator used to dominate the Alberta countryside a century ago. 一个世纪之前,谷物升降机曾经在亚伯达的乡村占据主要地位。
He added the grain elevator, behind the brick building will share the same fate unless a purchaser comes forward. 他还补充说,砖混建筑后面的谷物升降机也将遭受同样的厄运,除非有买主前来购买。
Some whacko climbs up to a grain elevator. 有个傻瓜爬到谷物升降机上。
The image processing technology to detect insects in grain elevator is tried to use. 运用图像处理技术实现粮仓害虫的检测。